So What do you guys do, exactly?
We have monthly meetings, attend parades, car shows, do convoys, meet socially for lunch and coffee, help each other with projects and parts, do trail rides, attend Veteran's Ceremonies, and much more!
What is the point of owning and Military vehicles and equipment?
We believe that the preservation, restoration, and display of military vehicles and equipment is crucial for public education, honoring veterans and our national heritage, and preserving artifacts and antiques for future generations.
Do i need to own a military vehicle to join?
No! While it would benefit you to do so, we know that you have to start somewhere. Your genuine interest in our cause and military equipment as a whole, is enough. We also welcome reenactors and impressionists.
How much does it cost to own a military vehicle?
That is a hard question to answer. Our club has vehicles from the WWI to present. There are generally 3 ways to do it. 1. Purchase a vehicle that is restored, running and driving, or otherwise ready to go. 2. Purchase a basket case that requires a full frame up restoration and rebuild. 3. Purchase someone's project and "get it running". Improve on it as you go. As with any investment, the more complete it is, and more reliable it is, the more $ it tends to be.
What kind of vehicle or equipment are we talking about here?
Generally we drive and display US military vehicles, but there really is no guidelines. Our members are involved in aircraft, German, Canadian, English, and other foreign equipment. Equipment includes towed artillery replica, half track or working weapon systems, generators or static displays.
Aren't Military Vehicle Owners a bunch of fringe nuts who talk politics?
That representation couldn't be further from the truth. We are not a political organization with any agenda whatsoever. Some of our members are business owners, veterans, retirees, and hard working family oriented folks. Being a vet is certainly NOT a requirement to join. We are a family friendly and easy going bunch. That is it!
Ok, i'm thinking about being a member, but i'm a busy person. What is involved?
We can't think of an easier, less stressful club to be in. Dues are $21 a year on Line or $20 at the monthly meetings. We have about 13 annual meetings but attendance is not required. In fact we have club members in Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. There is no long painful initiation ritual. We are interested in having fun, and pleasant conversation. If you like to be involved, then yes of course we could use the help planning our Christmas Party and running for affiliate office positions. But all of that is of course, up to you.
Ok i'll join. What do i have to do?
Ideally we would like to meet you! Come to one of our meetings if you are local. Fill out the registration, pay your dues. Its not about the $. Your membership gets you insider access to our events, shows, convoys, etc. We often get free tickets to events for supporting them. Most importantly, We suspect, you will make some great friends and learn about military vehicle living history and education.